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The benefits of registering a patent



Once you register a patent, apart from using the patent to prevent others from exploiting your invention, you can employ it to raise funds for your business, license it to third parties for commercial returns or sell the patented invention.



For an invention to be patentable, it must, in general, satisfy three key criteria:


1. New – The invention should not be publicly known in anyway, anywhere in the world.

Owners of inventions should be careful to keep the invention secret until a patent application has been successfully made. If the idea has already been talked about, commercially exploited, advertised or demonstrated, then the novelty of the invention may be compromised.



2. Inventive step – The invention must be something that represents an improvement over any existing product or process that is already available.

The improvement must not be obvious to someone with technical skills or knowledge in the invention’s particular field.  If an invention is new yet obvious to a persons killed in the art, the invention would not fulfil the inventive step requirement.



3. Industrial application – The invention must be useful and have some form of practical application. It should be capable of being made or used in some form of industry.



Devir Patent provides a full range of patent services, from freedom-to-operate analysis to patent valuation, from filing to maintenance through prosecution and enforcement to help clients to manage and protect their valuable patent portfolio through out the patent life cycle, both domestically and internationally.

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